26 March 2024

26 March 2024
Space Investment Forum Speaker and Advisory Board Member

Dan Jones
Future Markets Lead
UK Space Agency
Since 2014 Dan has led the UK’s involvement in the EU-funded PERASPERA and EPIC projects, writing the European technology roadmaps for space robotics and electric propulsion, and is responsible for delivering the Agency’s national technology roadmaps for space. He is the UK’s delegate to the Horizon Europe Programme Committee for Digital, Industry, and Space; and is the UK’s delegate to the European space Agency for their Scale-Up Invest Programme to grow UK space businesses.
He co-chaired the UK Task Force for cross-sector robotics between 2022 and 2023, and was Chair of the Advisory Board to the Future AI & Robotics Hub for Space between 2018 and 2022.
Prior to that Dan worked at the trade body ADS Group writing technology roadmaps for the UK civil aerospace sector, which underpinned the Aerospace Growth Partnership and the creation of the Aerospace Technology Institute.
Outside of work he is a science-fiction author. He also co-hosts Chronscast: The Fantasy, Science-Fiction and Horror Podcast; and he plays bass guitar for the prog rock band Sky Empire. He lives with his family in Essex.
UK Space Agency
Founded in 2010, the UK Space Agency delivers key elements of the Government’s National Space Strategy. The Agency:
• catalyses investment, supporting projects that drive investment and generate contracts for the UK space sector
• delivers space capabilities and missions that meet public needs and advance our understanding of the Universe
• champions the power of space to inspire people and offer greener, smarter solutions for business, and to support a sustainable future
UK Space Agency programmes have propelled British technology across the Solar System and realised world-first innovations in spacecraft design and satellite applications. The Agency has a powerful global voice, partnering with institutions across the world, including the European Space Agency.
The Agency supports a thriving space sector, which currently generates an income of £16.4 billion each year and employs over 47,000 people across the country. Investment, including private and public, from the UK and overseas, will enable the space sector to deliver important research, develop new technologies and market applications, and keep pace with other nations.
Visit Dan’s LinkedIn profile here.