Privacy Notice

Political Engagement Limited (Dods Events) and UK Space Agency Space Investment Forum – Privacy Notice

Political Engagement Limited (“Dods Events” “our”, “we”, “us”), is responsible as data controller (which is part of The Total Politics Group”) for the processing of personal data you provide when you register for the event described in the registration form which shall be a physical event (“the Event”). This Privacy Notice aims to inform you on the personal data processing we carry out and on your rights.

The data
By registering for this event, you are providing us with your personal data and contact information as requested in the online registration form. In the case of group bookings, your personal data may be provided to us by a representative of your organisation on your behalf.

The data collected in the registration form includes:
• your name;
• your job title;
• your organisation;
• your work email address;
• your work telephone number;
• dietary and access requirements; and
• and a range of questions in relation to your business.

For speakers at panels we will collect the above data plus this additional data:
• your gender;
• your ethnicity.

The physical filming of the Event:
• filming of sessions which may contain images of you, your presentation, any opinions you contribute and anything that you say about yourself which shall be in the possession of us only.

You may have received an invitation from us to attend the Event. In this case, the personal data’s origin is from publicly available information and consists of the same data previously mentioned.

We will use your personal data to hold the Event, and this will include to:

• register and facilitate your attendance at the Event;
• analyse attendance at and any subsequent communications in relation to the Event;
• to provide you with updates and details relating to the Event;
• manage delegate, sponsor and customer contacts, queries, complaints or disputes;
• take photographs to promote the Event;
• produce promotional material including photographs and videos to advertise the Event and to promote future events;
• verify your identity for security purposes (where applicable);
• handle any legal claims or regulatory proceedings and ensure legal and regulatory compliance;
• monitor the gender and ethnicity balance of panels of speakers to ensure fair representation.

Legal basis of processing your personal data for the Event
The legal basis relied on by us for processing your personal data in relation to holding the Event, promoting it, and taking photographs and video recordings of the Event, is out of necessity for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, which is your registration for the Event.

We may photograph, or film some of the Event, which may feature group shots and videos of event attendees. The legal basis relied on by us for processing your personal data in relation to taking photographs and recording videos of the Event is legitimate interests. The legitimate interests are in having a record of the Event and the means to promote the Event, including in future years.

To the extent that you provide, in the registration form or by subsequent email, special categories of data (including data revealing health or medical details), the legal basis for our processing such information is your consent and our purpose is to ensure your safety and wellbeing at the Event (paragraph 1, schedule 1, Data Protection Act 2018).

To the extent that we process ethnicity data of speakers to ensure fair representation, our legal basis for doing so is that processing is of data concerning ethnicity, religious or philosophical belief, health including disability or sexual orientation, and it is necessary for the purposes of identifying or keeping under review the existence or absence of equality of opportunity or treatment between groups of people with a view to enabling such equality to be promoted or maintained (paragraph 8, schedule 1, Data Protection Act 2018).

Where you provide us with any information on your dietary requirements in the online registration form you consent for us, the venue and/or the catering provider to process this information for the purpose of providing you with catering services.

Purpose of other processing
We will also use your personal data for marketing or other commercial purposes including to:

• provide you with updates on the Event;
• inform you about similar events/conferences we intend to hold in the future;
• market certain goods or services which we believe will be of relevance or interest to you;
• improve our existing products and services and/or develop new products and services;
• organise surveys to get your feedback on the Event (where applicable); and
• photograph and/or record the Event for business and any promotional purposes on behalf of the Event Partner.

This may include contacting you from time to time by email, post or phone.

Legal basis for other processing
The legal basis relied on by us for communicating marketing to you is legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests are to promote our and third parties’ business and events that could interest you, and to monitor the effectiveness of promotional campaigns.

Dods Events may provide your personal data to our data processors:
• Eventsforce – our online bookings service provider
• Blendology – our onsite registration provider
• Grip – our 1-2-1 meeting facilitator
• Our partner venues for the physical hosting of the Event and any catering requirements:

– Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh
– Nexus, University of Leeds

to the extent necessary to facilitate your attendance at the Event, share video recordings of the Event with other delegates and to further promote future events.

We will share your personal data with sponsors of the Event. This is based on our and the sponsors’ legitimate interest to provide information that might interest you (including marketing communications) following the Event.

Details of the sponsors is available on the Event website: see here.
If you are a speaker at the event, a showguide containing your name, job title, organisation and bio may be circulated to all the Event attendees and sponsors.

We shall also share your personal data to the UK Space Agency who is the event partner. This is based on our and the UK Space Agency’s legitimate interest to provide information in respect of companies and investors for investment opportunities following the Event.

We may provide your personal data to other companies within our group for the purposes set out above, including marketing purposes. Further information on how we hold and treat your personal data can be found at

Provided by our on-site registration provider, delegates will each have an opportunity to tap their badge with another delegate and trade their personal information, which each delegate will be able to create an account and access their tapped connections following the Event.

This Privacy Notice does not cover how your data will be used by any third parties or sponsors, and you should consult the privacy notices of those organisations.

Personal diversity data relating to the gender and ethnicity of speakers will not be shared by us.

We keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary for our legitimate business and legal purposes.

Where we retain your information for events and contract fulfilment, we will retain for the period required by applicable law for legal, tax, and accounting purposes. This will be a minimum of six years.

Where we store your information for marketing purposes, we retain it for three years from your last engagement unless it is used within a promotional video to further promote future events.

Your Rights
• You have the right to request information about how your personal data are processed, and to request a copy of that personal data;
• you have the right to request that any inaccuracies in your personal data are rectified without delay;
• you have the right to request that any incomplete personal data are completed, including by means of a supplementary statement;
• you have the right to request that your personal data are erased if there is no longer a justification for them to be processed;
• you have the right in certain circumstances (for example, where accuracy is contested) to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted;
• you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data where processing is based on legitimate interests. Please see the unsubscribe link provided in our email marketing or contact us at the address below to object to any of our processing;
• you have an absolute right to object to the processing of your personal data being used for direct marketing purposes, and to withdraw consent for third party advertising; and
• you have the right to request the transfer of your personal data that you have provided, and for it to be provided in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format.

Please contact us at the addresses below if you would like to exercise any of these rights or have any queries regarding the use of your data.

International Transfers
We are part of the Total Politics Group. The Total Politics Group is a global business which means your personal data may be accessed by our group companies or certain service providers from locations outside the European Economic Area (EEA). To ensure your personal data is given substantially similar protection as is provided in the EEA the Total Politics Group uses safeguards approved by the European Commission and has in place international data transfer agreements between Total Politics Group’ companies and its service providers where data is transferred outside the EEA.

Contact Details
We are the data controller for your personal data. Our contact details are:

Political Engagement Limited
11th Floor
Millbank Tower
21-24 Millbank

If you have any questions, comments, or requests regarding this Privacy Notice or our practices relating to use of your personal information, please contact us at

We are committed to safeguarding and respecting your personal information and privacy. We are registered with the Information Commissioner with registration number 14216691.

Where personal data is uploaded on the online bookings service Eventsforce, Eventsforce is an independent data processor for that data. Eventsforce’s privacy policy is available here:

Where personal data in accessibility or dietary requirements is passed to the venue or the caterers it is an independent data controller for that data. Both our venues privacy policies are available at the below addresses:
Dynamic Earth
Nexus, University of Leeds

If you consider that your personal data has been misused or mishandled, you may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, or 0303 123 1113, or

Any complaint to the Information Commissioner is without prejudice to your right to seek redress through the courts.